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Are you one of them?

How do you recognize you are good or bad when you don’t know who youare and what you are doing?

Published onOct 08, 2019
Are you one of them?

I enjoyed the short story from “Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond” called “Live and Let Live.” Some twin girls in the world raised themselves and were considered aliens by most people since they could let people quickly feel sleepy. Although using human for DNA tests or more, they never did anything to hurt anybody. The story ends at the point that the storyteller might be one of the “alien” twin girls. So the words said by her may all be fake stories (or may not). It was a thoughtful ending.

The fiction reminds me of the twin girls in Kubrick’s movie “The Shining.” Just like the previous story, the shining could either be a good or bad character. The fact that they are supernatural powers doesn’t mean that they are bad guys. But you would still be afraid when you see them because you are not familiar with this situation.

What if you are one of the twin girls, but you lost your mind? How do you recognize you are good or bad when you don’t know who youare and what you are doing? Would you be scared when you find yourself totally different from others?

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