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Super-popular is one of the most useful superpower. With this, you would be extremely welcomed by people. Everyone would think that you are nice and charming.

Published onNov 04, 2019

Super-popular is one of the most useful superpower. With this, you would be extremely welcomed by people. Everyone would think that you are nice and charming. It is useful for dating but also in ordinary life, for example, searching for a new job.

Tech support:

The key technology of super-popular is using the high-tech contact lens. Unlike google glasses, it basically made for information purpose. It has a little red monochrome projector that shines an image on a holographic mirror and then bounces it directly into the eyeball. A vertical cavity surface emitting laser emits the information on a holographic grating to reflect the correct wavelength into the eye. The image which is formed is called Retinal Projection, as a result, the image is actually painted in the back of the retina, to have bright sharp clear image of the information.


Basically, the principle is to collect all the useful information from social media and other websites in order to interpret people’s behavior and interests.

Counting all the instagram likes and twitter key words, you could easily tell someone a good joke and talk about some related topics of your mutual interest, thus get to know someone well.

You know that it’s going to rain soon. You have already prepared an unbrella while nobody else had it.

You know her well - her favorite topic, favorite emoji, chatting habit and her schedule of the day. You could be the most intimate and nice guy that she has ever seen.

Super-popular! Good for dating, good for life!

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